Friday, February 1, 2013


Wow it sure has been a long time since I posted anything here.  So for an update, I have been working on my health and found new specialists.  Finally after more than a year I am on the track to good health.  I have had so many tests and gone to so many doctors. During this time I have thought I was imagining the pain and now I know it was all very real.  It seems that my pain is as a result of stomach issues and a fatty liver that is swollen.  I have slow digesting disease, ulcers, IBS, Acid Reflux and some other stomach conditions. I am now on medications and seeing a  nutrition specialist.  I am eating a more balanced, healthier diet and am feeling much better.  I have also lost 15 pounds which makes me 37 pounds lighter than when I met my husband 5 years ago.  I'm very excited about that.
So I think I should touch on the fatty liver disease and hopefully someone will read this and they will avoid having the same issues. I am a diabetic that admittedly did not take care of myself.  As a result I got a lot of fat in my liver and it swelled up. If I don't get the liver swelling down I can end up with liver cancer so I definitely want to fix it before it gets to that point.  Now I know that eating a better diet and losing weight will help reverse this problem
 For background on what went on in the past regarding my health here is some info.  In October 2011 I ended up in the ER with horrible pain on my right side.  I got a CT scan and they discovered my appendix was swollen but not inflamed.  This was actually as a result of 2 trips to the ER in 2 days and 2 CT scans.  They also found I had an ovarian cyst and fibroids.  So a surgeon was consulted and he said that I need my appendix out.  A week later I had that surgery and let me tell you that was the worst recovery ever. I could barely move and it took almost a week to be able to move easily. In December of 2011 I had a full hysterectomy.  That was a breeze and I was up and walking within hours and home the next morning.
After recovering from these surgeries I still had the side pain. I had MRI's, blood tests, a HIDA test, colonoscopy and more.  Nothing showed except a possible cracked rib when I had a chest xray (still never confirmed).  I had a false positive for Hep C but found out I don't have that.  So I decided to go see a highly recommended GI group and I am so glad I did.  Now I finally know why I was ill for so long.
I am still a work in progress but my future is looking better every day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Life has it's ups and downs but it's how you deal with them that makes you the person you are.  Right now I am dealing with an unnamed illness.  I have been ill for over 6 months, had 2 unrelated surgeries for problems that were discovered while trying to figure out the underlying cause of all my pain.Right now I am unable to work and am on disability. I am lucky to have a wonderfully supportive husband.  If not for him I don't know what would be going on with me.  I am not religious but I thank God for giving me the love of  this good man.
On to more fun things. I have taken up couponing to try and save money.  Plus it gives me something to do while I am home since I am unable to work right now.  I am also doing different crafting projects.  I taught myself to knit and a little bit about crocheting.  I like to garden so I am getting ready to start doing some small windowsill herb gardens and terrariums. Those projects I hope to be able to do with recycled items.  I do my spring/summer outdoor garden in recycled cat litter buckets.  It's fun and the best part is NO weeds!
I also like to cook, bake and my favorite thing is to read.  I go to the 2nd hand store and buy books, I have them on my smart phone and also on my tablet pc.  I don't go anywhere without something to read.